

Steppy Lo, Joey Ma, Brianna To

Crystal Chow, Queenie Ng

Jonathan Chin, Haze Tam, Abella Cheung


Prizm was responsible for revamping AlipayHK's social branding when it was first launched in the Hong Kong market in 2017. 

Alipay would like to set the tone that their digital payment solutions excel at catering the needs of daily life activities including making purchase at stores, restaurants, paying bills and on public transportation. The social content should appeal to the younger generation not only by delivering discounts and offers but introducing the convenience and security that the solution provide.


We have grew the page from a few thousand followers to over 45,000 (as of Nov, 2019) over a period of 1.5 years.



Steppy Lo, Joey Ma, Brianna To

Crystal Chow, Queenie Ng

Jonathan Chin, Haze Tam, Abella Cheung

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