

Bertha Wong, Suki Lo, Danson Tsoi


育兒大小事項都會令媽媽手忙腳亂,品牌都希望能夠根據媽媽的孕期,及時提供適時嘅協助同埋資訊, 俾到更好嘅用戶體驗一眾媽媽們!?⁣

#Mustela 早前與Prizm合作,設計及建立以大數據為基礎嘅親子會會員計劃;透過會員平台中嘅懷孕認證程序,品牌能有效建立全面嘅媽媽會員資料庫,從而提供最適切相關嘅育兒資訊及優惠。⁣




Taking care of a newborn is no doubt exhausting. Brands can effortlessly deliver a great customer experience to parents if they are able to provide appropriate timely assistance based on the mother's stages of pregnancy!?⁣

Prizm joined forces with Mustela and developed the Big Data-Driven CRM Membership Programme. WIth the aid of the “Mum Verification Process” on the member portal, it enables Mustela to establish an all-round membership database. It allows the brand to provide the personalised promotion and tips to different mums based on their stages and needs.⁣

In the member portal, a learning corner is established for mums in their different stages of pregnancy. By analyzing member data, the system automatically categorize the users into 3 groups. The corresponding tutorial videos are delivered to the members based on their stages of pregnancy with automated SMS reminder. While the open rates reach almost 50%, the SMS campaign effectively directs members to their website for further detailed information. ⁣⁣

With the help of the intelligent CRM Membership Programme, the brand has successfully gained over 2000 new members within 2 months. Besides building a close and long-term relationship with the mothers, it also improves the sales conversion in the long run.



Bertha Wong, Suki Lo, Danson Tsoi


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