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Ha Ha Halloween 🎃 Prizm有Trick又有Treat👻今個Halloween,我哋試吓學術啲,一齊嚟個Cocktail Workshop 好無?🥂
除咗準備古靈精怪造型嘅 Party Food 之外,我哋亦安排咗萬聖節主題嘅Cocktail Workshop畀大家學吓嘢之餘又慶吓節,整翻兩杯Tasty又Scary嘅Halloween Drink🍹
杯酒好唔好飲就唔清楚喇,但見到導師及同事們都Happy 隊酒❌ 調酒✔️ 就Feel到大家都投入同歡繽FUN萬聖節喇❤️🔥(靚女搣時表示收到哂我哋嘅熱情同祝酒👌🏻)
This Halloween, let’s get a bit academic and join a Cocktail Workshop together, shall we?
Aside from the Halloween-themed food and drinks, we've organized a Cocktail Workshop for everyone to learn something new while celebrating the occasion. Two tasty yet spooky Halloween drinks were created by our talented staff! 🍹
Well... the taste of the drinks is not guaranteed, but seeing everyone happy and enjoying the cocktails definitely gives off those fun Halloween vibes! ❤️🔥 -
願獨特光芒點綴佳節,祝各位中秋快樂!今年Prizm Group 特意與宣揚共融精神的設計工作室 - Mosi mosi 無事無事研究所合作,聯同聽障插畫師、版畫系碩士黃裳共同推出別具意義的精美中秋賀卡
作為Mosi Mosi 旗下藝術家之一,黃裳今次以「擁抱差異,擁抱自己」為題,與我們Design Team攜手合作,創作出獨一無二的中秋賀卡畫作
黃裳作為香港自由職插畫師,先天雙耳失聰,從小熱愛繪畫,喜愛將版畫特色於其創作之中。作品不但展現藝術家獨特風格美學,亦盛載Prizm Group對共融價值的堅定信念。
Wishing you a Mid-Autumn Festival glowing with unique radiance and filled with joy!
This year, Prizm Group has partnered with Mosi Mosi, a human-centric design lab committed to promoting the spirit of inclusivity, to bring you a truly special Mid-Autumn greeting card.
Lovingly illustrated by Mosi Mosi’s artist Sheung Wong, a gifted deaf artist and printmaking master's graduate, this card captures not only artistic beauty but also Prizm Group's heartfelt dedication to the values of inclusivity.
Each of us is a unique beam of light in the community. Let's embrace our individuality, adding more colors and vibrancy to life.
Agency of the Year Awards 2024As we reach the halfway point of the year, we are delighted to announce our recent success at the Agency of the Year Awards 2024! 🎉🏅
A heartfelt thank you goes out to our hardworking teams and our amazing clients who have supported us unwaveringly ✨
Gold & Local Hero
| Industry Specialist Agency of the Year
| MarTech Agency of the Year
| Content Marketing Agency of the Year
| Social Media Agency of the Year
| Full-Service Agency of the Year
#PrizmAward2024 #AgencyoftheYear #PRIZMGroup #AOTY -
HK x KL Team Building Day之漆彈大戰成功!上星期香港Team大佬sss坐言起行飛咗去馬來西亞同 PRIZM KL 團隊 Team Building🔥
Work Hard Play Hard:講好咗!玩遊戲時不提上班的事🤫
團隊精神MAX:合作無間,大家都係winners!打和! 🦸🏻♂️
能力高轉數快:最後仲要贏埋限量版禮物,叻 <3
#PRIZMSharing #PRIZMGroup
MARKies Awards Hong Kong 2024夏日熱辣辣,Anessa同Prizm幫你放心「曬」☀️喺剛過去的夏天,我哋line up 咗Anessa與Mr n Mrs Moon🌝聯乘合作,並策劃咗一系列夏日祭O2O2O活動,透過互動小遊戲和街頭活動,與大家 Shine Together!
好高興喺上星期MARKies同Anessa 獲得兩個獎項,再次多謝呀客嘅無限信任,以及勞苦功高嘅幕後功臣ssss!✨
☀️ In the recent summer, we lined up a collaboration between Anessa and Mr n Mrs Moon🌝, and curated a series of O2O2O summer festival events, Shine Together through interactive games and street events!
We were delighted to have won two awards last week at MARKies with Anessa. Once again, thank you for the unwavering trust from our clients, and of course, the hard work of our team behind the scenes!✨
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.Best Idea – Customer Engagement|Bronze
.Best Use of Digital Solution|Bronze#MARKies2024 #Award2024 #PRIZMSharing #PRIZMGroup
The Loyalty and Engagement Awards 2024今年第一個頒獎禮成績出爐啦!💯
我哋好開心於The Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2024中榮獲獎項,其中為客戶Pacific Coffee和Danone所建構嘅loyalty program更令我哋獲得全場大獎🏆,萬分感激clientsss嘅信任,以及才華爆棚嘅同事們!✨
The results of the first award ceremony of the year are out!💯
We are excited to announce our big win at The Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2024! Our loyalty program for clients Pacific Coffee and Danone led us to achieve the Best of Show - Agency.🏆 Huge thanks to our awesome clients for their trust and our talented colleagues! ✨
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Prizm Group
.Best of Show – Agency
Pacific Coffee
.Best of Show – Brand
.Best Loyalty Programme – Food & Beverage|Gold
.Best Membership Programme|Gold
.Best CRM Strategy|Gold
.Best Use of MarTech|Gold
.Best Omni-Channel Strategy|Silver
.Best Loyalty Campaign – Launch/Rebranding|Silver
.Best Omni-Channel Strategy|Gold
.Best Acquisition Strategy|Gold
.Best Customer Engagement Strategy |Gold
.Best CRM Strategy|Silver
.Best Social Media Strategy|Silver
.Best Use of Customer Data Analytics|Silver
.Best Engagement Campaign – Specific Audience|Bronze
.Best Eco-Loyalty Initiative|Silver
#LEA2024 #Award2024 #PRIZMSharing
#PRIZMGroup -
IAB HK Digital Awards 2023/ 頒獎禮行為學🕵🏻♀️ /
1. 齊齊做臉頰愛心🧡
唔係扮cute,而係比緊手勢C,stand for Chow Sang Sang!我哋好榮幸再次喺IAB HK Digital Award獲獎,十分感激客戶周生生一直嘅支持同信任💕嚟緊會繼續努力!
2. 齊齊指住粒寶石👈🏼
唔係單純打卡,而係因為今年IAB HK Digital Awards 2023嘅Key Visual係由我哋creative team設計🧑🎤,意思係每一個得獎項目都好似寶石咁獨一無二💎,好meaningful㗎!
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Chow Sang Sang
.Best Use of Data & Insights|Gold
.Best Use of Commerce|Bronze
/ Ceremony Behavioral Study🕵🏻♀️ /
1. Making a heart shape with cheeks together🧡
We aren’t acting cute, but making the hand gesture 'C', representing Chow Sang Sang! Honored to win again at the IAB HK Digital Awards, thanks to the support and trust of our client, Chow Sang Sang. 💕 We'll continue the good work this year.
2. Pointing at the gem together👈🏼
Not just check-ins, our team designed the Key Visual for this year's IAB HK Digital Awards🧑🎤. It means the unique and meaningful nature of each award-winning project, like precious gemstones💎.
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Chow Sang Sang
.Best Use of Data & Insights|Gold
.Best Use of Commerce|Bronze
#iabHK2023 #Award2023 #PRIZMGroup -
🐲龍年開年飯😋/ 開年飯 [名詞]
1. 攞正牌拎公數食大餐🥳
2. 個個化身食神儲脂肪過肥年👨🏼🍳 /
😋 New Year Feast to Greet the Year of Dragon🐲
/ New Year Feast (noun.)
- Enjoy a feast with official funds🥳
- Becoming the God of Cookery to store fat for a prosperous year 👨🏼🍳/
How to start the new year fresh? No prayers or fortune-telling needed! Just gather with your teammates for a New Year's feast, and good luck will roll in effortlessly! 🍀
#YearofTheDragon #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing
為咗喺龍年日日都龍光煥發🐲,PRIZM仝人會於2月9日至14日休息relax吓,初六正式開爐 !
【Wishing You a Prosperous New Year🐉】
May the Year of the Dragon bring you love and fulfillment!💞 !
Taking a break from Feb 9-14, we'll return on the sixth day of Lunar New Year. Let's shine like dragons in this incredible year ahead! 🐲
#YearofTheDragon #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing
Prizm新春許願派對 Prizm's Lunar New Year Wish Party 🏮琴日我哋趁收爐前開咗個小型新春派對,畀大家攞正牌食住嘢唞唞🤤!傳說只要喺我哋creative team精心製作嘅繪馬上寫底心願💞,再掛喺Prizm神奇logo下,就會帶來滿滿嘅好運🍀。
#仲靈過林村許願樹 #Prizm原創設計
Yesterday, we hosted a pre-Chinese New Year party for everyone to unwind and enjoy delicious food 🤤! Legend has it that writing on our creatively designed Ema 💞 and hanging them under the magical Prizm logo can bring abundant good luck 🍀.
Wishing You Dragon-sized Luck in 2024! 🐲
#YearofTheDragon #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing
Prizm wishes you a Magical Merry Christmas 🎄!又一年喇!我地與親愛嘅客戶sss攜手渡過了無與倫比嘅2023⭐️感謝大家對我哋嘅信任,令Prizm可以一直施展魔法般變出無限可能💞
It has been an absolute delight to work with our incredible clients for yet another year 🌟! We are immensely grateful for the trust you've placed in us, allowing us to keep the magic alive throughout the year 💞
May the upcoming year be filled with endless possibilities and continue to create magic together! 🧚Wishing you a fabulous holiday season and see you in 2024 🎅🏻⛄!
#2024HereWeAre #MerryChristmas
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
Christmas Party 2023事隔三年,我哋同海外同事再次聚首一堂,舉行Christmas Party🥳!
今年party以「日常眾生相」作為dress code,鼓勵大家以低成本發揮創意。而同事們一如既往地投入,爆發小宇宙,挑戰成為人氣搞怪王🤡!
After three years, we finally gathered once again with our overseas colleagues for the Christmas Party🥳!
This year's theme, "Everyday Lives," inspired some seriously creative low-cost costumes. Our colleagues never cease to amaze us with their funny and imaginative character outfits 🤡!
The event wouldn't be complete without the lucky draw and game. We played an exciting round of "Millionaire" where everyone racked their brains 🧠 to win the jackpot cash prize 💰.
But the best part is, our boss took on the role of Santa Claus🎅🏻 and generously delivered amazing presents to us. It made this Christmas truly unforgettable and fulfilling 🤑!
Check out the event highlights now and get into the early Christmas spirit❄️~
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
Marketing Excellence Awards 2023今年Prizm分別為周生生及華御結旗下嘅Omusubi重新建構其品牌CRM ecosystem,令整個loyalty program更加data-centric;上星期五我哋亦齊齊出席MEA2023,開開心心拎走三個獎!
眨下眼又迎來2023年(如無意外)最後一個Award Ceremony~~💕 期望喺來年迎接更多新挑戰,繼續與客戶同事笑住上台再領獎🙆♀️🙆♂️
This year, Prizm successfully reconstructed brands’ CRM ecosystem for Chow Sang Sang and Omusubi respectively, making the entire loyalty programs more data-centric. Last Friday, we all attended MEA2023 and joyfully brought home three awards!
In the blink of an eye, we have swiftly arrived at the last Award Ceremony of 2023 ~~💕We eagerly look forward to taking on new challenges in the coming year, sharing the stage with clients and colleagues, and proudly accepting awards with smiles of joy 🙆♀️🙆♂️
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Chow Sang Sang
.Excellence in Personalisation Marketing|Gold
.Excellence in Loyalty Marketing|Bronze
.Excellence in Personalisation Marketing|Silver
#ChowSangSang #Omusubi
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMAward2023 #MEA2023
#CRM #LoyaltyMarketing -
Digital Marketing Asia Hong Kong 2023📢 We had an incredible time at the Digital Marketing Asia Conference! Our CEO, Jeffrey, delivered an amazing keynote speech on the psychology behind loyalty programs and showcased the power of Xiaohongshu. 🗣️
We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in insightful discussions, fostering our growth in the digital marketing journey.🌱 Excited to share more valuable insights next time! 💡
#DMA2023 #MarketingInteractive #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing
PRIZM祝大家月餅節快樂🌝/ 中秋節 [名詞] 1. 月餅放題日
2. 攞正牌朝早開始Holiday mood嘅佳節 /
截至依個moment,你今年食咗幾多舊月餅呢?為咗令各位喺中秋節臀臀圓圓,我哋就趁住Happy Friday開個小型月餅放題暨中秋遊樂會,聚首一齊食嘢同玩遊戲,實行中秋大放送
PRIZM wishes you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival
/ Mid-Autumn Festival (noun.) 1. Unlimited mooncakes festival
2. Kickstart the holiday with festive mood from the early morning /
How many mooncakes have you eaten this year up until now? To ensure joy and fulfilment this Mid-Autumn Festival, we hosted a small mooncake gathering on Happy Friday, with food and games, as we celebrate with a grand giveaway
This Mid-Autumn Festival, we wish you a harmonious gathering with loved ones
and unlimited enjoyment of mooncakes!
PRIZM x FAIRTASTE 細味共享中秋喜悅🌕睇完上一個post嘅包裝設計#BehindTheScene 之後,你又知唔知月餅背後都有充滿人情味嘅故事呢🌸?
繼早前端午節後,今個中秋佳節我哋再度同「細味公平 Fairtaste」攜手合作,推出依款獨一無二嘅月餅禮盒🥮。
/FairTaste (noun.) - Fair is the new taste /
作為香港首個公平貿易品牌,「細味公平」@fairtaste 致力推廣公平貿易原則及減緩貧富差距,品牌更於葵涌設立「公平婦作」自家工廠,為婦女創造一個友善又公平嘅工作環境。而今次嘅月餅就係由呢班婦女用心製作💁🏻♀️🧡,真係高手在民間!
【Prizm Sharing】PRIZM x FAIRTASTE Uniting in The Joy of Mid-Autumn🌕
Have you checked out the packaging design #BehindTheScene in our previous post ? In fact, there is also a heartwarming story behind mooncakes as well 🌸 !
Following the Dragon Boat Festival earlier, we are once again partnering with FairTaste to create an exclusive mooncake gift box 🥮 in celebration of the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival.
/FAIRTASTE (noun.) - Fair is the new taste /
As Hong Kong's first fair trade brand, @fairtaste carries the mission in spreading fair trade and reducing wealth disparity. They also established their own "Fair Women Workshop" in Kwai Chung, providing women with a friendly and fair work environment. The mooncakes you're enjoying are skilfully crafted by these talented artisans💁🏻♀️🧡
Each transaction is like casting a vote for an ideal world.🌍✨. Let's all embrace the spirit of sustainability and fairness during the Mid-Autumn Festival 🎑.
#MidAutumnFestival #Fairtaste
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
PRIZM月餅禮盒包裝設計大揭秘 Revealing the Secrets of PRIZM Mooncake Gift Box🥮個個都話A.I.取代人類,如果係玩啲有共鳴嘅創意嘢,單用A.I.係咪真係得?
秉承住每年都要搵啲新嘢搞嘅宗旨,今年中秋禮盒就係由我哋創意團隊,結合A.I.技術設計而成🦾💪我哋相信,A.I.即使可以快速提供唔同成品,但無法取代人類獨有嘅想像力;當科技與創意相互融合,先可以創造無限驚喜 ❤️
/ The Making Of /
設計師利用A.I.工具 — Midjourney輸入指令後,生成部分圖層如機械兔、月球背景🌕;由於使用A.I.工具產生之圖層未必產成最理想嘅風格、光源及比例,部分設計如嫦娥造型、人臉及獎座等,則由Designer逐筆畫出,務求達致最Perfect嘅成品(心血嘢嚟㗎🔥)!
想睇完整version?立即Click:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMhZaNOijxk 📽
A.I. cannot truly replace human creativity. Our creative team, in conjunction with A.I. technology, designed this year's Mid-Autumn Festival gift box 🦾💪
We firmly believe that while A.I. can offer diverse outputs efficiently, it cannot replace the distinct power of human imagination. Only when technology and creativity converge can we create limitless surprises ❤️
/ The Making Of /
Using the A.I. tool Midjourney, our designers inputted prompts to generate captivating elements like a mechanical rabbit and a moon background🌕. For intricate details such as Chang'e's appearance, faces, and trophies, our talented designers meticulously drew them to achieve perfection 🔥!
Watch the highlights of the creative process and gain insight into our design team's dedicated efforts ✨
Want to see the full version? Watch here: https://youtu.be/UMhZaNOijxk?si=visBEj7JbTHey4Jx 📽
(This year's mooncake gift box is also a collaboration with a local fair trade brand 🧡Stay tuned for the next post!)
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing #MidAutumnFestival #Midjourney -
Digiz Awards 2023想知攞獎有幾開心仔?睇吓大家笑得咁高興,又擺哂韓式心心Post就知啦😜
今次獲獎嘅Project 為周生生構建一個多面向嘅跨平台 CRM Ecosystem,並透過A.I.深度學習及Chatbot令各地用戶體驗均更個人化及具互動性,從而令顧客與品牌關係更緊密❤️
/ Ceremony Observation 101🕵🏻♀️ /
Want to know how happy it feels to win an award? Just take a look at everyone's joyful smiles and the adorable Korean finger heart in the photos 😜
The award-winning project involved building a cross-platform CRM ecosystem for Chow Sang Sang. By leveraging A.I. deep learning and chatbots, we enhanced user experiences with personalization and interactivity, fostering closer customer-brand relationships ❤️
Once again, heartfelt thanks to Chow Sang Sang for their support, and we look forward to achieving great results at future award ceremonies✨!
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Chow Sang Sang
.Best O2O Strategies|Gold
.Best Mobile Campaign|Silver
.Best CRM Campaign|Bronze
.Best e-Commerce Campaign|Bronze
.Best Acquisition & Retention Strategies|Bronze
.Best e-Commerce Strategies|Bronze#DigizAwards #Award2023 #PRIZMGroup
#PRIZMSharing #ChowSangSang -
IAB HK 2023 Apprentice ProgramCongratulations to the interns of IAB HK 2023 Apprentice Program!
Our CEO, Jeffrey Hau, joined the session with the apprentice audience as a panelist to share valuable insights and practical tips from an employer's perspective. We wish the apprentices all the best with their exciting expedition ahead, including our extraordinary team member, Sophia, who has been with us for the past 2 months at Prizm.
At Prizm, we have been dedicated to nurturing future veterans in the Digital Marketing field. We can't wait to see the freshmen next year
盛夏清酒工作坊🍶盛夏嘅午後,小酌一杯甘甜清爽嘅清酒🧊,就係最完美嘅Happy Friday🤩!
上星期五嘅品酒活動,我哋特別邀請到SSI國際唎酒師Ken Chan,親自教授清酒鑑賞技巧!憑藉超過10年嘅品鑑經驗,今次Ken嚴選出四款夏日限定清酒🌴,教導大家運用觀、嗅、味、感技巧,細嚐不同風格特色嘅清酒。同事們亦實行以酒會友👯,同Ken互相交流品酒心得同請教清酒知識,實行要訓練成為PRIZM唎酒師😎!On a hot summer afternoon, enjoying a glass of sweet and refreshing sake 🧊 is the perfect way to spend a Happy Friday! 🤩
During last Friday's sake tasting event, Prizm specially invited SSI International Kikisake-Shi Ken Chan to teach the art of appreciating sake. With over 10 years of experience in sake tasting, Ken carefully selected four limited edition summer sakes 🌴 and taught everyone the techniques of observing, smelling, tasting, and experiencing the unique characteristics of each sake style. Colleagues also gathered together to socialize over drinks 👯, exchanging their experiences and seeking advice from Ken about sake knowledge, all in pursuit of becoming PRIZM sake experts 😎!
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2023 Singapore見到我哋新加坡同事笑到見牙唔見眼,就知道喺上個星期五Loyalty & Engagement Awards榮獲獎項有幾咁開心啦🇸🇬✨!
Seeing our Singaporean colleagues burst into laughter with uncontainable joy, we knew they were thrilled about receiving awards at the Loyalty & Engagement Awards last Friday! 🇸🇬✨
Once again, we express our gratitude to Danone for their trust and support. PRIZM remains committed to pushing boundaries and creating innovative campaigns 🦾, with the aim of achieving even greater recognition!
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Cow & Gate
.Best Loyalty Strategy – eCommerce|Gold
.Best Online Experience|Silver#LoyaltyEngagementAwards #Award2023 #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing
Go Green with Zero2⛰️用手機一秒click入綠色未來!
Negawatt推出手機app Zero2,透過完成減碳遊戲及任務,實踐ESG綠色永續經濟嘅目標👾!PRIZM Group作為技術後盾當然全力支持🦾,致力運用科技推動社區實現綠色生活,邁向零碳未來。
Step into a green future with just a click on your smartphone!
Negawatt has released Zero2, a mobile app that aims to achieve ESG goals for a sustainable green economy by engaging users in carbon reduction games and missions👾! PRIZM Group, serving as the technical partner, fully supports this initiative and is dedicated to utilizing technology to drive the community towards a greener lifestyle and a net-zero future.
Support sustainable development by getting Zero2 now! 🌿🌎
▪️ IOS: https://apps.apple.com/hk/app/zero2/id1658513570
▪️ Google Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zero2.app&pli=1#ESG #Zero2 #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing
AOTY慶典之雪糕大放送🏆連續兩年攞Overall Agency of the Year大獎,咁高興當然要派「糖」啦😜!所以我哋請咗Milk & Cream雪糕車嚟到PRIZM office,同大家分享幸福感🍦!亦趁住今日「Cheer Up The Lonely Day」,為努力工作嘅寶寶們叉叉電⚡!
#AOTY2023 #AgencyoftheYear #CheerUpTheLonelyDay #PRIZMGroup
Agency of the Year Awards 2023話說喺早前AOTY 2023,Prizm Group連續第二年獲得Overall Agency of the Year大獎! 雖則本性內斂,好少外露興奮心情,但再次刷新紀錄,內心嘅喜悅就好比連續搶到mirror同blackpink嘅飛!👯🎉
之不過,當晚一一向同事致謝,青春地食完潮州打冷慶功宴後,又會開始思考:What’s Next?💭
上年獲得大獎時,正正係PRIZM成立10周年之時;而喺去年Annual Dinner同同事傾偈時,我亦有分享當時百感交集嘅心情:
Digital 嘅大千世界變得愈來愈快,尤其係過去幾年,無論係web3嘅出現定係A.I嘅進步,我哋都係懷着小學升中學嗰種既興奮又緊張嘅心情,迎接及學習各種新事物。 呢個行業絕對唔係一個平靜嘅泳池,風急浪高嘅環境下並沒有提供原地踏步呢個option;簡單來說,不進則「退出」。
過去嘅日子裡,我哋努力overcome不同挑戰 💡— 每一次win pitch,每一次有滿意嘅project出世,每一次嘅死過翻生,最令我感恩嘅係聚集到一班超卓頂級嘅同事,我深明,依一切都唔係必然。
我希望團隊繼續互相提醒自己,唔好只做未來digital / social 世界嘅觀眾,而係作為積極參與嘅一份子🔥
#Award2023 #AOTY2023
#AgencyoftheYear #PRIZMGroup
Content 360 & Retail Solutions DayDid you catch our souvenir giveaway at Content 360 and AWS Retail Solutions Day🎁? Our vending machine was loaded with Prizm’s awesome souvenirs because we know everyone deserves a treat😎!
In Content 360, Jeffrey, our CEO of Prizm Group also shared his thoughts on revitalising brands' content & loyalty approach by understanding the post-pandemic tourists💡. It was truly amazing to meeting so many of you 🎉!
#Content360 #AWS #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
祝大家有一個「公平」端午節🐉公平貿易咖啡你應該聽過,但你有冇諗過食糉都可以「公平」⚖️? 嚟緊端午節,我哋為同事們準備咗公平貿易健康糉,仲邀請香港第一間公平貿易品牌細味公平 @fairtaste 上嚟分享佢哋同本地農民以及街坊合作嘅故事🧺👩🌾
#端午節快樂 #公平貿易
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
Agency of the Year Awards 2023 -
GUM Health Forum 2023
We are delighted to have participated in the GUM Health Forum 2023 where our CEO, Jeffrey Hau, shared his insights on the role of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace
. He emphasized the importance of assisting employees in learning AI skills to stay current and the application of AI in the workplace
We hope the audience enjoyed the session and gained valuable insights
, as much as we did!
Happy Birthday to ....... 🎉!Happy Friday 同時又 Happy Birthday! 邊個生日咁大陣仗要切燒豬?🐷
係PRIZM牛一呀🐮~再睇真啲,呢個係蛋糕嚟㗎🎂 #btw大家都俾隻燒豬呃哂❤️
#同埋出名務實可靠又勤奮 #嘩準到呢
#HappyBirthdayToPRIZM #PRIZMSharing -
Loyalty and Engagement Award 2023記錄成為焦點嘅一日🌟
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cow & Gate
.Best Loyalty Programme – Food & Beverage|Gold
.Best Omni-Channel Strategy|Gold
Sun Life Hong Kong
.Best Engagement Campaign – Mass Audience|Gold
.Best Social Media Strategy|Gold
.Best Use of Influencers|Bronze
.Best Loyalty Programme – Finance & Insurance|Bronze
1. 講:「我係咪太靚仔啦?老細唔認得我,係好正常嘅反應啦!」
2. 表現得好似係同事而唔係自己:「老細你好啊,我係你嘅下屬,你唔認得我啊?!」
3. 裝扮成另一個人:「老細你搞錯啦,我係你新招嘅員工!我叫做.....(自己取個新名)」
4. 反過來唔認老細:「你係咪我老細啊?你條記錄都睇唔清楚我係邊個啊!」
5. 直接用唐詩回應:「無名狀,何足挂齒?!老細唔認得我,搞咩啊!」
#做人要有SenseofHumor #老細唔認得我 #狂笑中
#Anyway88 #口罩令
#PRIZMGroup -
Creative Level Up! Prizm's First "Homemade" Calendar【趣味指數
Prizm Group第一個親生月曆誕生!】
,為各位客戶同夥伴打氣,以輕鬆心情揈甩blue mood!
Be inspired in 2023! Prizm has designed our very own calendar for the new year to give to our clients and colleagues.
The theme of the calendar is “Worker's Mental Health Concern Group” which could feature a special design each month with interesting content, as well as annual leave hacks.
We wish everyone can chase the blue mood away with a relaxed one.
Supercharge Loyalty Program with Winning Strategies & Automation Tools感謝大家參加PRIZM最近舉辦嘅活動😄!特別要感謝來自華御結嘅 Oliver、Sasa 嘅 Hong 以及 Danone 嘅 Taylor,分享佢哋嘅實戰經驗同知識,尤其喺關於建立與推行品牌Loyalty Program嘅方法。活動中,我哋一齊探討咗有效嘅customer management strategies,並了解到行業中最新嘅趨勢同線上工具,希望來自不同行業嘅參加者能夠獲得新嘅啟發💡
再次感謝所有參加者,以及我哋嘅合作夥伴 SAP 同 Emarsys 🤝🏻 期待下次活動再見到大家🤩!
Thank you to all who joined us at this event😄 ! We are grateful to have Oliver from Hana Musubi, Hong from Sasa, and Taylor from Danone for sharing their expertise and experience on maximizing the power of customer loyalty. Together we explored the effective customer management strategies and learned about the latest trends and tools in the industry. Hope everyone gained valuable insights and ideas to bring back to their businesses💡
Once again, we thank all participants and our partners SAP and Emarsys for their support🤝 We look forward to seeing you next time🤩 ! -
Leap Into The Year Of The Rabbit【 祝大家兔年大吉
PRIZM 提早祝大家新年快樂
Leap Into The Year Of The Rabbit
PRIZM wishes you all to be filled with happiness and prosperity this Lunar New Year
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their trust and love
To celebrate the holiday, we will be taking time off from the 22nd to the 29th of January (初九啟市). We look forward to collaborating with our clients and embracing the upcoming opportunities for the year of the Rabbit
IABHK Digital Awards 2022好榮幸Prizm可以喺首屆IABHK Digital Awards 嘅 Best use of Data & Insights項目中獲得銀獎,再次感激Danone一直以嚟對我哋嘅無限支持,當然唔少得各部門同事嘅熱情投入
It is a great honor for Prizm to win the silver award in the Best use of Data & Insights project of the first IABHK Digital Awards. Let us take this opportunity to thank Danone for your unlimited support. We would also like to thank the enthusiasm and dedication of our beloved teammates.
Annual Party 2022眨吓眼又一年,年尾又係時候揼老細心口💰(✖️)同大家開心玩翻日🎉(✔️)喇🎶
開開心心普「Team」同慶完就準備心情過聖誕喇,喺依度先預祝大家#MerryChristmas 🎄~~~
We have made it to the end of 2022, time to have fun together🎉 🎶
On Friday afternoon last week, all PRIZM staffs put aside of their work on hand, and enjoyed a cheerful moment in great feast 🥂 , funny music games and lucky draw 🎲.
Xmas is just around the corner and may all of you have a lovely Merry Christmas 🎉 🎶
#同事仲追問有無AfterParty #果然係年輕力壯
#WorkHardPlayHarder #MerryChristmas
#CheersTo2023 #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
HKUST MKSS - Firm VisitLast Thursday we welcomed students from The Marketing Students’ Society, HKUSTSU to PRIZM’s Hong Kong office
It was a pleasure to meet and connect with such a bright and driven group of students
! We sincerely hope that our sharing on the digital marketing field and its career path was helpful and inspiring for them
#PaymentAsia #PRIZMSharing -
IABHK: Content Marketing Lessons Learnt in 2022It was great to be part of the event yesterday - Content Marketing Lessons Learnt in 2022
. Our Senior Account Director, Kelvin Wong shared our perspective on the launch of our previous Bruceleeverse campaign, and the reflections on co-creating with the community and young teams
. Participants could also immersively experience and visit Bruce’s old mansion in our VR Corner during the event !
It was inspiring to share and exchange ideas with other speakers and we hope that the audiences have enjoyed the session with us
FinTech Week 2022 | How Marketing Helps Banking in the Digital Era?That’s a wrap for Payment Asia Satellite Events last Friday📸. We would like to thank Payment Asia for inviting us to the FinTech Week 2022 Panel Discussion - How Marketing Helps Banking in the Digital Era. Our Account Director, Kelvin Wong, shared his thoughts on how technology can help promote traditional financial services in the current age 🎙️
It was a great time exchanging ideas with fellow speaker, Terry Ling, and host, Sam Leung. We sincerely hope the participants have enjoyed the session and see you at our next event! Stay tuned!
#FinTechWeek2022 #PRIZMGroup #PaymentAsia
#PRIZMSharing -
Omnichannel Marketing Asia 2022Thanks for having us! We are glad to be part of the "Omnichannel Marketing Asia" conference held by Marketing Interactive last Wednesday!🎊 Our Co-Founder & Director, Jeffrey Hau, shared his idea of orchestrating a consumer-centric chatbot that covers omnichannel touch points and listed some of the important pull factors for consideration during the design process 🤖
We had a great time connecting with likeminded marketing professionals and listening to their inspiring insights. We hope that our audience have enjoyed the sharing and gained a few key takeaways in the process 💡
#PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing #MMHK2022 #omnichannelmarketingasia #MessagingBot
HKUST 2022 Mosaic Career FairSay hello to all HKUST Studentsssssss
Today is Day 4 of Career Mosaic and PRIZM is now at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - HKUST 2022 Mosaic Career Fair !
Come meet us this afternoon to find out more about our internship programme and other job openings
#HKUST #MosaicCareerFair2022 #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing
PRIZM x iBakery Mooncake Gift Set今年PRIZM就搵咗東華三院屬下嘅烘焙餐飲社企 iBakery 愛烘焙麵包工房 推出月餅禮盒,答謝各位客戶同夥伴10年嚟嘅支持
In order to thank all of our clients and partners’ support over the decade, PRIZM has collaborated with iBakery—a social enterprise under Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, to launch a Mooncake Gift Set this year
iBakery employs people with disabilities, as they believe passion enables everyone to exhibit their greatest potential. This belief resonates with us, PRIZM, which always believes a piece of phenomenal creation comes from a creator who works with their heart and soul
. Feeling grateful for all the recognition, we sincerely hope all of you could keep supporting us, the enthusiastic iBakery and PRIZM
#HappyMidAutumn #十年喜月 #ADecadeOfJoy #PRIZMGroup #iBakery #PRIZMSharing
Striving to present the bits and pieces inside Bruce Lee’s former home before your very eyes
, let’s immerse yourself in the exhibition alongside our VR technology
Enjoy the interaction with Bruce Lee’s former home while experiencing the entertaining VR! Besides the VR experience, some of the Bruce Lee collectibles are on display for the very first time in public.
Perfect opportunity to explore Bruce Lee’s Home in Metaverse! Come by and visit us on today - 14 August and be a guest at Bruce Lee’s Former Mansion
活動詳情 Event Details
Shop D, G/F, Soundwill Plaza, 38 Russell St, Causeway Bay
06/08/2022 - 14/08/2022
開放時間Opening Hours:
SUN - THURS :11am - 8pm
FRI、SAT:11am - 9pm
Free Admission
今次非常高興同 Bruce Lee Club 李小龍會 聯手舉辦「擬遊未盡-李小龍故居復現企劃」。 經過好多風風雨雨後,李小龍故居最終都未能保存,所以我哋都好希望運用科技和創意,繼續保育文化及傳統;並從中加入Web3.0元宇宙元素, 不止能夠將故居虛擬地保存,更希望達到傳承嘅理念,喺不久嘅將來邀請更多創作者共同參與,將李小龍先生嘅精神永久傳承畀未來新生代!
8月5日開始,歡迎大家嚟到銅鑼灣參與「擬遊未盡-李小龍故居復現企劃」嘅活動! 詳情稍後公布。
We are excited to announce the kickoff of a very meaningful project by PRIZM in 2022. Partnering with Bruce Lee Club 李小龍會 , we are launching the long-awaited project “Revival of the Memory: Bruce Lee’s Home in Metaverse”.
It was a great loss to Bruce Lee's global fans when his former Hong Kong home was demolished in 2019. Our wish is to recreate the scene and revive this cultural heritage by using Web 3.0 technology and Metaverse elements. Most of all, we look forward to welcoming creators around the globe and co-create with us. It is our mission to pass on the spirit of Bruce Lee to future generations.
Join us in early Aug in Causeway Bay to "experience" Bruce Lee’s Home in Metaverse! Details will be announced shortly.
Know more: 李小龍會以VR技術重現巨星故居 目標明年李小龍50周年忌辰推出
#Bruceleeverse #李小龍擬遊未盡 #Metaverse #Web3.0 #PRIZMGROUP #李小龍會 #PRIZMSharing
Agency of the Year Awards 202210年時間話長唔長,話短唔短。不過對於PRIZM嚟講,踏入成立10周年絕對係一項重要嘅里程碑🌟!
喺上星期五嘅 #AOTY2022,我哋有幸得到評判們嘅一致肯定,獲頒Overall Agency of the Year大獎及8個類別共15個獎項✨!感激客戶們多年嚟嘅信賴同支持,以及各部門同事不斷揮灑熱情嘅汗水,成就出無數大大小小嘅Campaignsss。嚟緊我哋會向住下一個10年繼續進發,為各大品牌再創佳績,盼望更多奇遇會一直來臨🏆!
The years might have passed in the blink of an eye, but stepping into our 10th anniversary is surely a milestone for PRIZM🌟!
We are honoured to receive 15 recognitions at #AOTY2022 last Friday, including the Overall Agency of the Year and other awards in 8 categories✨! Thanks to our clients’ trust and support, not to mention our teammates who have been going the extra mile for the campaigns. From one decade to another, we hope to create amazing results for various brands and miracles along the way🏆!
* Overall Agency of the Year Award - PRIZM
* B2C Agency of the Year (Gold & Local Hero)
* CRM & Loyalty Agency of the Year (Gold & Local Hero)
* Data Analytics Agency of the Year (Gold & Local Hero)
* E-Commerce Agency of the Year (Silver & Local Hero)
* Innovative Agency of the Year (Gold & Local Hero)
* Integrated Marketing Agency of the Year (Bronze)
* MarTech Agency of the Year (Gold & Local Hero)
* Production Agency of the Year (Bronze)
#PRIZMGroup #Award2022 #開心仔 #唔止多謝自己 #仲要多謝各大客戶 #搞到人哋眼SipSip
The Loyalty & Engagement Awards 20222022年第一份成績表新鮮出爐喇🏆
PRIZM於噚晚The Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2022中,以三個品牌嘅項目榮獲七個獎項~~~萬分感謝客戶嘅信任,以及同事們一直以嚟辛勤嘅付出!❤️
PRIZM has grabbed 7 awards in The Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2022 last night🏆Once again, none of these can happen without clients’ trust, and of course that includes our beloved teammates as well❤️
• Best Loyalty Campaign – Launch/Rebranding | Gold
• Best Loyalty Programme – Retail | Gold
• Best Use of Smart Data Analytics | Silver
• Best Loyalty Programme – Food & Beverage | Bronze
Sun Life Hong Kong
• Best Omni-Channel Strategy | Silver
• Best Social Media Strategy | Bronze
• Best Loyalty Programme – Fashion & Beauty | Bronze
Happy Tiger Year to everyone 🐯【
Happy Tiger Year to everyone
Happy Tiger Year to everyone
Time to get the remaining tasks done, and have ourselves ready for the Year of the Tiger
May you all have a prosperous lunar new year filled with that roaring tiger energy
We’ll see you again on 8th February after the red packet season
🎄 Merry Christmas & Happy Tiger Year to everyone 🐯【
Merry Christmas & Happy Tiger Year to everyone
We have made it to the end of 2021! We wish you all a Merry Christmas, and let’s rock the year of tiger like a true boss ! Cheers
#2022我哋嚟喇 #2022HereWeAre #MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #HeresToMoreJoyAndSuccess #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing -
PRIZM Annual Party 2021
We have made it to the end of 2021
On Friday afternoon last week, all PRIZM staffs put aside of their work on hand, and enjoyed a joyful time in lucky draw and great feastMay all of you have a lovely Christmas, and cheers to 2022 for more prosperity and triumphs on the way
! Cheers
#玩盡Party後嘅工作天 #同事依然眼仔鹿鹿 #做嘢永遠無虎碌
#WorkHardPlayHarder #MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #CheersTo2022 #TheYearOfTheTiger -
Marketing Excellence Awards 2021喺前晚嘅Marketing Excellence Awards 2021中,PRIZM同親愛嘅客戶Sun Life Hong Kong,以及Narrow Door齊齊拎走兩個獎座
Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility | Bronze
Excellence in Insurance Marketing | Bronze
#PRIZMGroup #MEA2021 #Award2021 -
OmniChannel Marketing Asia 2021剛過去嘅星期二,我哋嘅Director Jeffrey受邀於OmniChannel Marketing Asia 2021, 與業界人士分享關於客戶數據分析以及Customer Loyalty嘅見解,並探討規劃Customer Journey對品牌嘅重要性
希望今次嘅分享可以令咁多位參加者對OmniChannel Marketing有更多嘅了解啦!
Thank you for having PRIZM at the OmniChannel Marketing Asia 2021 last Tuesday. Our Director Jeffrey shared his views on Zero Party Data and Customer Loyalty at the event, and he also further discussed the importance of mapping a complete customer journeys for brands. We hope that the audiences have gained some new insights throughout the event!
#PRIZMGroup #MMHK2021 #OmniChannel #CustomerLoyalty -
2020 Most Influential Brand in Hong KongSimply overjoyed to hear the good news from Nestlé Hong Kong! PRIZM is delighted with the award of 2020 Most Influential Brand in Hong Kong from Facebook (Meta)
None of this would be possible without the greatest trust of Nestlé Hong Kong, huge support of OMD and of course the massive efforts made by our beloved PRIZM teammates as well!
Looking forward to more success from all of us in future!
#PRIZMGroup #nestlehongkong #Facebook #Award2021 -
/ 一樣的中秋佳節,不一樣的共融故事/
今個中秋節,PRIZM精心挑選咗由 Mosi mosi 無事無事研究所 出品嘅月餅禮盒作為送畀客戶及Partner嘅小小心意Mosimosi係一間以人為本嘅設計工作室,一直致力以人性化嘅創意設計,喚起大家對社會不同能力人士嘅關注。而今年Mosimosi就同小時就被診斷有自閉症譜系障礙和焦慮症嘅藝術家John Lee合作,推出咗依款精美又有意思嘅月餅禮盒!
John相信人嘅能力或者各有不同,但同樣渴望融入群體,於是就同Mosimosi諗到以幾隻兔仔象徵唔同嘅人 — 喺包裝最右嘅兔仔代表自閉症人士,另一隻玉兔回頭邀請佢加入,就代表住我哋,帶出不同能力人士努力走近我哋時,我哋都要正面接納,令佢哋可以成為社會看見嘅一分子
DigiZ Awards 20213金5銀2銅...唔係講緊奧運成績呀,係數緊噚晚拎咗幾多個獎座返嚟呀
PRIZM於DigiZ Awards中榮獲十個獎項,再次多謝客人sss支持與信任,以及同事sssssss嘅創意力量幻想同汗水,來年繼續努力做出好成績!
Best Digital Performance Campaign - Silver
Best UI/UX - Gold | Silver | Bronze
Most Engaging Mobile Campaign - Silver
Most Innovative Use of Technology - Silver
Best O2O Strategies - Gold | Silver
Best Sales Lead Generation Solution - Bronze
Best Use of Influencer - Gold
#PRIZMGroup #DigiZAwards2021 #Award2021 -
Mob-Ex Awards and Asia e-Commerce Awards 2021The fruit of hard work is the sweetness!
2020 was a year dominated by the single topic Covid-19, while PRIZM took an active role in assisting our clients on digital transformation missions. By establishing eCommerce platforms, consolidating the workflow of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and developing AI Chatbot for businesses, PRIZM team strive to facilitate the seamless integration of online and offline businesses for brands.
PRIZM has honorably won 27 awards in Mob-Ex Awards and Asia e-Commerce Awards 2021, including the Brand of the Year and Agency of the Year !
A huge thanks to our client trust and of course the dedication of our team. PRIZM team will continue to shine in 2021!
#PRIZMGroup #MobExAwards #AeA #Award2021 -
Agency of the Year Awards 2021We are honoured to have won 3 Awards at the Agency of the Year Awards this year! We would like to express our most heartfelt appreciation to our clients and partners for their unwavering support for the past year. To our PRIZM colleagues, this would not have been possible without your unceasing flow of creativity! Thank you for creating outstanding marketing campaigns time and time again!
Being recognised for our achievements is a huge joy. Hmm, we wonder if we could get the cherry on top with some yummy treats from the boss himself... 😎
#PRIZMGroup #Agencyoftheyear #AOTY2021 #Award2021 -
MARKies Awards 2021PRIZM has grabbed 5 awards in MARKies Awards 2021 last night! Once again, none of these can happen without clients’ trust, and of course that includes our beloved teammates as well!
Sunlife Hong Kong (Big Thanks to Narrow Door ! )
• Best Idea – Customer Acquisition - Silver
• Best Idea – Integrated Marketing - Bronze
Hysan Mall
• Best Use of CRM - Silver
• Best Use of Digital Solution - Silver
• Best Use of CRM - Bronze
#PRIZMGroup #MARKies #Award2021 -
What's better than welcoming lion dance with a “green-picking” performance as a good start of the new business year ?
Wishing you all a “saang choi” and prosperous year !
#PRIZMGroup #CNY2021 #HappyLunarNewYear -
Fintech Award 2020Congratulations to DataTech Team! Prizm Group’s CRM/Data team has recently received the “Outstanding Intelligence Investment Data Management Platform” award in Fintech Award 2020 held by ET Net.
To tackle the geographical barrier to accessing services faced by customers, DataTech team assisted financial service providers delivering a eKYC solution (remote account opening system). By working with certification authorities and technologies recognized by SFC, our all-in-one integrated platform is capable to handle the identity and biometric authentication process while supporting the latest e-signature technology. It allows customers to remotely complete account verification and document signing process with ease.
By using open api, the integrated platform also offers price quotes of various financial products and allows customers to place a trade order. Customers can trade Stock, Bond and other OTC Derivatives Products at anytime and anyplace.
This project enables financial service provider to maintain uninterrupted customer and sales services to local and oversea customers during the pandemic. Thanks again for the trust and support from our client KAB and ET Net !
#PRIZMGroup #DataTech #FintechAward #ETNet -
Merry Xmas and Welcome 2021 !Merry Xmas and Welcome 2021 !
Time to wave goodbye to 2020 and ring in 2021!
Let’s say a proper farewell and welcome a better 2021!
Hello 2021,我哋嚟喇!
#2020去去速速走 #走咗唔好擰返轉頭喇 #不過希望在明年呀嘛
#PRIZMGroup #Xmas2020 #Merrychristmas -
HKTDC - DesignInspire Online WebinarThank you HKTDC for inviting PRIZM to join the DesignInspire Online Webinar, our Director Jeffrey shared his views on the upcoming digital & eCommerce marketing trends especially in the post-covid world. We really hope that the audiences have gained some new insights!
#PRIZMGroup #UserExperience #HKTDC -
Participated as a technology provider in Lancôme CNY campaign
Teaming up with Lancôme in their recent CNY campaign, we participated as a technology provider to bring good luck and big wishes to town~Let’s touch our dreams together in this coming CNY!
FRISO Baby expo interactive experienceDuring the The 27th INT'L baby/children products Expo, Prizm was responsible to innovate the check-in process for Friso's customers when they arrive at the event booth. By utilising facial recognition, customers pre-registered for the event by uploading a selfie photo, and then being verified at the event without the hassle of taking out their mobile phone. Extensive optimisation of the recognition engine was performed to ensure a perfect experience.
“Say Cheese” & check in
Account Management: Evita tse, Anky tsang, Ryan lam
Designer: Versa Chan and Sandy Wan
Development: Timmy Tin and Keo Ho -
Smartbiz Expo 2018
Our team participated in HKTDC SmartBiz Expo 2018 during 5-7 December. We received much first-hand user experience from merchants about mobile payment, and enquiries about our one-stop e-commerce solution supported by us and other business units. Here, we would like to thank all who have provided support for the Expo.
Wishing you a Happy Mid Autumn FestivalMay the glow of the moon surround you and light your way to happiness☺️☺️
Sponsoring JUOMA- the biggest marketing competition among the universities
Prizm is sponsoring JUOMA this year, the biggest marketing competition among the universities in Hong Kong. Jeffrey shared his tips with the participants at the opening ceremony and we all look forward to hearing some great pitches.
#CRM Goldmine - Harness the Power of your Data
SAP x Prizm Event - Harness the Power of your DataThank you for your great support to make our Social CRM event a successful one! Your participation meant a lot to us. Hope to see you all again at our next event!
Special thanks to SAP and Kelvin from 新世界集團 New World Groupfor their trust and confidence in our work.
PR Awards HK 2019Campaign: Chatbot and Community Management Development
Award: Best Use of Smart Data Analytics
Client: FrisoWe enabled Facebook & WeChat chatbot as new channels that conveniently allows customers to enquire product information and receive promotional messages. It provides a better solution to track the customer journey and interactions between the members and the brand. Nevertheless, users are able to register as a member thru the chatbots as well. As always, thank you for our client’s trust.
Account Director: Kelvin Wong
Account Management: Evita Tse & Ryan Lam
Development: Timmy Tin, Snowky Cheung, Sandy Au & Yung Yeung
Data Scientist : Victor Leung, Tong Mui -
Agency Of The Year Awards (AOTY) 2019
Hard work pays off. Sincerely thank you all our beloved teammates for their dedication. The recognition from AOTY2019 awards means a lot to us.
* B2C Agency of the Year (Bronze x Local Hero)
* Best Client-Agency Collaboration (Silver x Local Hero
* Content Marketing Agency of the Year (Bronze)
* CRM & Loyalty Agency of the Year (Bronze)
* E-Commerce Agency of the Year (Silver x Local Hero)
* Production Agency of the Year (Bronze)
* Social Media Agency of the Year (Bronze) -
Datatech in Lingnan University Career Development Sharing
Datatech’s William and Toby were honourably invited to give a talk in Lingnan University in April to introduce and promote AI and big data analytics to the future university graduates.
Received his PhD and then being a research fellow in PolyU, the Chief Data Scientist Toby was no stranger to give a lecture about the latest development of AI and big data in front of the students.
The Business Development Director William elaborated the business opportunities of AI and big data in the panel session.
#AI Technology
#Big Data
Datatech’s Drun logistics platform apprecited by Technology Excellence AwardsCongratulations to Datatech which won the Hong Kong Business Technology Excellence Awrds (TEA) 2019 on 27 February for its AI-driven last mile logistics platform. Datatech’s Business Development Director William Hung visioned the AI technology and big data would be the key of business growth in the future.
Mobile Redemption for Red Pockets
Saw the big kiosk machines in 15/F weeks ago? Prizm responds the design of the QR code redemption program of the kiosks for DBS Chinese New Year red pocket campaign. 3 kiosk machines are now each put in Tsim Sha Tsui K11, Mong Kok T.O.P. and Lan Kwai Fong.
Distributing red packets in digital styleNumerous companies join the fray to offer red packets during lunar new year. PRIZM came up with a out-of-the-box campaign offering unprecedented to surprise to our dear DBS customers. By leveraging chatbot & vending kiosk technology, red packets redemption campaign was revamped, allowing a seamless experience from engaging on client's social media channel to offline activation!
Account Management: Tiffany Ching, Joey Lo, Edith Tang
Designer: Versa Chan, Sandy Wan
Development: Ray Kong, Timmy So -
#AI Technology
PRIZM Group's Art Collection 1: Jordan WallMany newcomers who come to interview or start their work on day 1 might be curious about the colourful wall picture on 15/F. The portrait is Michael Jordan (yes, Kenneth is a big fan of basketball and MJ is the common idol of basketball fans) and it is a piece to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the brand name Air Jordan exclusively designed for him. Click this link to find out why this piece was created.
Painted in by Michael Lau in 2015 Signed by Michael Lau and Michael Jordan Location: 15/F, next to the stairs
Special X'mas gift for our partners!
This Christmas, we prepared a special gift to our partners - To thank them for their trust and support in this year. Hope that you’d love it!
Not to mention that the coasters were made of the used coffee grounds and natural materials!!!
*Coasters - Collaborated with Eco-Greenergy綠行俠
*Handmade chocolate by Sayvour -
F&B Booking and Marketing All-in-One
Datatech’s flagship F&B booking and marketing platform now settles in Royal Pacific Hotel and Marco Polo Hotel Group. It is the combined effort of us, Datatech and Prizm teams contributing their payment technology, AI and digital marketing.
eCommAs Awards 2017
We WIN BIG!!! PRIZM Group has garnered 7 awards, including the "BEST of SHOW - AGENCY" title, at Marketing’s inaugural eCommAs Awards 2017. Thanks for our clients and teams.