Web Design Agency | Award-Winning | Hong Kong
The average customer will take “2.8 seconds” on the landing page to determine whether they will stay and browse the website or dropout instantly. With our expertise in UI/UX designs, web development Hong Kong and customizable features we hope to deliver an intuitive platform that appeals to your potential customers and epitomizes your brand’s character.
Going Online With Our Web Design Agency
Web design is no longer just a page for product/service information, it has transformed into an integral part of your online business serving as one of your main channels to make your first impression and providing other core services to your customer. With the rise of E-commerce and the rapid digitalization of various businesses a new customer purchase trend emerges presenting a valuable opportunity for your business to grow and expand.
Designed for Humans
We live in the multi-screen generation, we can access the web through our desktop, mobile, tablet, television to name a few. With ever more information to process the instruments we design from devices, systems, to interface, help us filter and streamline only the crux to help us make daily decisions. This change in user behavior should also be applied to web development, from responsive websites to now dynamic websites, user experience takes the center stage as the guideline to formulate the level of interactivity, storytelling and supporting data architecture for a customized experience for each individual.
Not only should websites be visually intriguing but more importantly they must be easy to use. As an experienced web development agency, our UI/UX designers methodology balances aesthetics and functionality, prioritizing information layouts that are immediately essential for customers. With a responsive and dynamic layout, the website’s information can be rearranged accordingly to accommodate individual customer’s progression in the customer journey. Functional buttons or tabs are shown only when a particular action needs to be triggered to drive the customer toward conversion.
Data That Drives Data
To most people, web development focuses on front end development, the visuals, the layout, the pages that our audience will be interacting with. But “Data” is what’s making the “seamlessness” in the customer journey possible. With the implementation of a UX approach and the integration of various E-commerce functionality data collection becomes imperative to facilitate the interactivity of users. Website should encompass a series of tracking tools, you must know where your audience is coming from, where they want to know what they are going to do next. Combined with our propriety backend tools and third-party integration (from Google, Facebook, etc) we can piece together a clear picture of the single customer view.
Our developers and creative technologist at Prizm can be sure to deliver an adaptive website fulfilling your business functionalities from dynamic product/service introduction, LIVE logistical updates, to e-commerce and payment gateways enabled.