Influencer Marketing Agency | Award-Winning | PRIZM Group
Not to be confused with anyone who has a large following, as they may not always be considered an influencer. At Prizm, we will be able to detect a legitimate influencer who will shape your audience’s purchasing decision from the trust and relationship built off shared similarities in a particular niche.
As social media platforms grow exponentially, a vast amount of brands have acted on this as a solution to bridge the gap between consumers. The main factor that consumers feel a sense of trust towards influencers is because of their open personalities online that differentiates them from other influencers. At the end of the day, we at Prizm understand the long for relatability and honesty about brand reviews; we strive to find a perfect match for everyone/ you.
With personal opinions at the forefront of any influencer, we as consumers, brands, and followers crave for this. Authenticity just speaks importance to us rather than plain corporate messages, which act as a natural medium for the audience to consider any message without hesitation.
Influencer Marketing Statistics
In today’s day and age, as you might already know, about 84% of consumers do not believe in a brand’s marketing strategies, especially, their messages. So who do consumers trust in society? They tend to seek trust from influencers such as Youtubers who may have similar backgrounds to them, interests, and experiences.
Power of KOL
Influencer marketing is not just about the followership but mostly importantly the power to persuade. Did you know about 62% of consumers watch product review videos before purchasing the product. Not to mention, the rapid growth it will have for customer acquisition and sales leads figures.
At Prizm, we will formulate the best partnership to propose better work relationships that will help maximise trust and brand image.
Influencer marketing is not just about collaborations but instead the global conversation starters that they bring about a brand on vast platforms. These initiations are the key to the “global village” we live in to build a favourable and valuable / highly regarded brand image.
The most enticing angle from influencer marketing is the up rise of WOM; a strong method to leverage off to encourage your brand interaction, exposure and shareability. Through our expertise, we can use social media and shareability with the help of influencers to create a ‘flooding’ effect to create hype for a brand and product exposure.