Connect with customers and Drive Sales by Facebook Plug-in Messenger with Ease.
Submit your interest here and our support team will get in touch with you soon !
只須輕鬆幾步,開始使用Facebook Chat Plugin 。
Click here to Register Now!
Click here to Register Now!
Connect with customers and Drive Sales by Facebook Plug-in Messenger with Ease.
Submit your interest here and our support team will get in touch with you soon !
只須輕鬆幾步,開始使用Facebook Chat Plugin 。
Benefits of having Facebook Chat Plugin
於網站安裝Facebook Chat Plugin的好處
1/ Open up a new Live-Chat support to your customer experience on website
2/ Better manage inquiry across Facebook and website
整合網站以及Facebook Messenger的客服管理
3/ Least development efforts to implement a live-chat tool without fee
安裝容易,Facebook Chat Plugin 亦免任何收費
4/ Improve Facebook Ad retageting tactic
Complete in 3 Steps!
1. Enable Facebook Chat Plugin in Facebook Page Setting
於Facebook專頁開放Chat Plugin設定
2. Copy the code assigned by Facebook and implement in Google Tag Manager
複製Facebook預設編碼,透過Google Tag Manager設置
3. Easy Implementation Done! Facebook Chat Plugin is on your website!
簡易安裝完成!Facebook Chat Plugin已經於你的網頁上運作!
Click here to Register Now!
Connect with customers and Drive Sales by Facebook Plug-in Messenger with Ease.
Submit your interest here and our support team will get in touch with you soon !
只須輕鬆幾步,開始使用Facebook Chat Plugin 。
Represented by PRIZM Group, 2021