Because Hongkongers are truly opening their eyes to e-commerce, the playing field has been flooded with new players. Competition from Chinese web shops, as well as Hongkongers' enduring preference for in-store shopping, have made the e-commerce environment in the fragrant harbour a challenging one. In this Master Report, Marketing and PRIZM look at the status quo of e-commerce in Hong Kong, and dig into how your brand can secure a top spot in the online marketplace.
In this new era of retail and innovative technology, balancing all sorts of capabilities is the only way to achieve effective and profitable sales. At PRIZM, we believe the only way to truly stand out is by combining strong social marketing, effective e-commerce and reliable payment technologies.
We believe the success of a marketing campaign is all about conversion, and the proliferation of new media is key for brands to provide information and entertainment to their target audience. By integrating online and offline activities and using new media for communications, we help brands understand customer preferenee through data analysis so they can do marketing more accurately and promote their products more effectively. When planning campaigns, we generally identify different social platforms according to the needs of the client, such as Facebook, WeChat and Weibo.
Using these platforms allows you to focus on any number of goals 一 branding, product marketing, viral content marketing and online events, sending extensive or targeted messages to customers to boost engagement and enhance brand awareness, and further stimulating participation and conversion 一 by taking full advantage of the brand's fan network, as well as through paid acquisitions.
隨著電子商務在香港愈見蓬勃,市場冒起不少新加入的商家。來自中國網店的競爭,以及香港人到實體店購物持續不減 的熱情,令本港的電子商務環境變得別 具挑戰性。在今期Master Report專欄« 《Marketing》與PRIZM探討本地電子商務的現況,並深入剖析品牌如何能夠在網上市場佔據優勢。
在這個新零售及創新科技時代,要創造出有效與有 盈利的銷售是需要平衡各項技能才能實現。因此 PRIZM GROUP認為,結合強大的社交媒體營銷、 有效的電子商貿及可罪的支付技術才能真正脱穎而出。 我們認為推廣活動的成功主要取決於轉化率, 加上新媒體的概念及形式眾多,是現時品牌面向目 標群體提供訊息和娛樂的重點渠道之一。所以我們會把線上與線下活動結合,並利用新媒體的特性作傳播,並且將收集得來的數據進行分析,了解客人的 購物偏好,好讓品牌向他們作更精準推銷推介更多 產品。
在籌劃相關活動時,一般會根據客戶的需求,利 用Facebook、微信、微博等等的平台進行不同的品牌推廣、產品營銷、具高度傳播性的內容和線上活 動、廣泛或精準地向客戶發放消息,促進參與度 及 提升品牌知名度,從而充分利用品牌的粉絲網絡及付 款購買,進一步刺激參與度及轉化率。