
奧克蘭乒乓總會(Auckland Table Tennis Association)早前與Prizm共同建立Seekapong手機應用程式,集合咗開場、配對玩家及尋找場地等功能,幫助波友解決上述困難,同時於奧克蘭社區推廣乒乓球運動。
Sometimes it might be burdensome to look for a sport mate or venue whenever you feel like playing table tennis.
Seekapong is a mobile App initiated by Auckland Table Tennis Association and powered and developed by Prizm in support of the "Table in Community" project in Auckland New Zealand to promote Table Tennis.
With this project, many locations are set up as venues for anyone to have a play of Table Tennis. Bats and balls are made available at public outdoor venues hence players can just simply turn up and play!
Seekapong is the digital component that allows players to find venues by location or other preferences, find players and be social. Players can record their games to get on the leaderboard and be competitive and have fun.
#AucklandTableTennisAssociation #Seekapong #PrizmDigital #PrizmShowcase
