
Account Management
Evita Tse, Anky Tsang, Christine Pang
Kaiser Ng, Jade Wong
Fanny Fong
The Challenge
With a youth-centred approach, HSBC moves from following the steps of major competitors — adopting an offer-centric strategy — to putting forth the needs of our next generation.
It’s an investment that aims to equip our next generation with financial literacy,to start down a strong financial path, and to unleash their full potential. By sharing our business insights, work experience and wealth management tips with a grounded approach, we believe this investment in our next generation will reap fruits that are more than rewarding.
Unleash Leaders of Our Tomorrow.
Unleash the Leader In You.
The Objective
To nurture our future leaders by equipping them with financial literacy and to expand the social media page’s exposure to millennials’ community.
The Solution
Street challenges are conducted with university students. We aim to engage the target audience to rethink and reflect on their own financial habits and encourage them to learn ways improving their personal finances with HSBC. It is a good way to be the first step to enhance HSBC exposure among university students by taking place near different universities and places where they usually go.
The Sparkling Spots
- Experienced MC who is well known in millennials community was invited in order to have better interaction with interviewees. Therefore, funny and interesting sound bites are extracted.
- Instant incentives are provided if participants complete the challenge successfully. Participants will be more willing and enjoy throughout the challenge.
- Lively and daily related financial questions are asked. Participants will be more interested in the topics and learn the fun facts that connected with them.
The Result
- The 3 episodes attracted almost 3,800 followers in Instagram, which had a 55% growth compared with the no. of followers before EP1 launched.
- With the followers gained from this campaign, HSBC achieved 11K fans by the end of December, surpassed 3 out of 6 key competitors including Citibank, DBS Bank and Livi Bank.
- The followers aged 18-24 increased by 2.3%, which indicated the campaign is successful in catering university students’ interest.
- There is a total of 598,680 reach and 10,442 interactions with 4,664 likes, 5,401 comments and 529 shares in 3 episodes

Account Management
Evita Tse, Anky Tsang, Christine Pang
Kaiser Ng, Jade Wong
Fanny Fong